Monday, November 21, 2016

Black Sea Salmon

Black Sea Salmon/Karadeniz Somon

Every time I pass by the Balikci (fishmonger stall), I will see the Norwegian Salmon for about 38 Lira/kg, and another type of salmon called the Black Sea Salmon (Karadeniz Somon) for a cheaper price. The Black Sea Salmon is usually about 17 Lira/kg.

I got very curious.

How does this Black Sea Salmon taste like? So one day I decided to try it out. I asked for the smallest fish, and I paid 20 lira for it.

I asked the guy to clean the fish, but due to language barrier, he went ahead and filleted the fish. Tamam (Okay), I said.

So at home I decided to bake half of the fish in the oven, and the other to be grilled on the stove the next day.

I just seasoned them with salt and pepper

Okay this doesn't look that nice - but i put potatoes, onions, green chillies, lemons, bay leaves and baked it at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes

Ready to eat - and look at the crispy skin
The taste is not that bad, there's a bit of an earthy taste - like when you eat river fish, but I think it is nice and worth the money I paid. However, the fish was so much nicer when I grilled it the next day.
I didn't take an after photo - too hungry maybe
So yeah, I am glad I bought the fish to satisfy my curiosity hehe. With one fish I got 8 pieces of fillet - so not that bad! 


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