Monday, November 21, 2016

Special shoutout to my sister

This post is especially dedicated to my sister Ateh, who sent money for me to buy my first oven  - yeay thank you Ateh - may God bless you! It was the start of my many experiments with baking and whatnots.

And to eKi (we were just friends at the time - I wondered why you were so nice ahaha :p), who helped me research on the best value for money oven, and helped me carry it home in the cold winter.

It's just the right size - not too small and not too big, and the price was good. Balim for scale.

welcome to the family!
The first thing I did was to bake a whole chicken. *Excited*
I think I marinated with some soy sauce, black pepper, salt, olive oil 
After 45 minutes at 220 degrees in the oven - then lowered to 180 degrees

Ready to eat!


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