Monday, February 20, 2017

Leek in Olive Oil - Zeytinyagli Pirasa

One of the easiest Turkish meals that does not need tomato paste (usually evident in most of their recipes) is Zeytinyagli Pirasa (Leek in Olive Oil). It is a sort of a one-pot meal, easy and healthy. I tweaked it to suit my Asian taste, as we like to have more rice because it is our staple, but normally the rice should be lesser.

The ingredients are just leeks, carrots, olive oil, rice, lemon and some sugar and salt. That's it.

  • 6 leeks - chopped thickly, about 1 inch
  • 2 medium carrots - slice thinly
  • 6 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 lemon - to be squeezed
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp rice (but in the picture below I used 1 turkish tea glass of rice)
  • 2 glasses of water

First, heat up the olive oil on medium fire. Then add in the sliced carrots, give a bit of a stir and cover for a few minutes. Then add in the chopped leeks, stir for about one minute. Add the rice, sugar, salt, squeezed lemon juice, and water. Give a bit more stir and cover, keeping the fire on medium. Then let it cook for about 20 to 25 minutes. Let it cool before eating and enjoy!

My first try - I was a bit stingy with the olive oil 
I also put a lottt of rice :D

To each its own! I like it with a lot of rice but do try whichever you like.


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