Thursday, March 9, 2017

Growing Veggies and Composting

I started 'gardening' in the balcony by accident. I don't know if you can call planting a few stuff without much thinking gardening.  Anyway, I saw this organic bak choy at Metro (a cash n' carry that usually has Asian stuff) bought it - then found that it comes with roots!

So I tried to replant the bak choy in a jar and at the same I had some spring onions so I thought I will replant them too. I gave them water but didn't pay too much attention to them as I had classes. But after a week I noticed that the bak choy had grown new leaves and the spring onions are also sprouting new greens.

the veggies section at Metro

the new green sprouting giving me happiness
I must admit, I don't have a green thumb. I don't know the rules and the hows and whys of gardening. And I hate reading manuals and instructions. That's why I got excited when I just put these two veggies in the soil and they started growing. And another thing that has been on my mind is composting my food waste. I use a lot of coffee, eggs, onions, garlics, name a few stuff which are constantly in the kitchen. And I have been throwing them in the trash for the past year or so. (Eeks, why didn't I start doing this earlier?)

Actually a year ago I was deciding between growing a plant or having a pet. I decided to get a pet and of course having a plant was out of the question because I didn't even know how to handle a cat at the time. But now, I'm used to living with my cat and although he is very curious and active - he has broken a few glasses and plates because he ran like the Flash and jumped about - at least I know how to handle him.

So now I have a new project, to plant vegetables in my balcony! Haha.

Took this black plastic box from outside the market and bought two packets of soil

I don't even know if I'm doing it right, I put my bak choy there, my spring onions there, and also i'm trying to germinate some chilli seeds by just throwing them there *cross fingers*
And I have to cover with another plastic box because of this curious little boy

So I'm now trying to grow garlic and mint. Let's see if they will happen too or not. I guess I keep thinking of new things to grow. I must say, there's something nice about growing plants. When you see that new green sprouting, it feels like ahh satisfaction. Like you have something to look forward to. Or maybe I just want distractions from studying :p

I think garlic is on the right track

I'm hoping that those two are my chillies

About the composting, I am still not 100% sure. I have started it, but I think I want to give it up. Hmm.. Do leave a comment if you have any tips for composting or gardening!

Thank you for reading my blog :)


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